Color · Fabric · Quilting

Same same same

As I was pulling fabrics to try and find something to go with my orange fabric, I noticed a strange phenomenon. My collection spans lots of years of fabric buying, but I seem to buy the same fabric over and over.

I looked at the orange stack…

Same same1

Really, really similar and there were more I could have added to this stack!

Everyone collects black and white, but does everyone have a collection of black, gold, silver, graphic? And, of course, there were more that I could have added!

Same same2

And in the orange category again, I love rusty, terra cotta colored fabrics, too.

Same same3

It isn’t limited to the oranges. Oh, no–blues, greens, yellows…turquoise, too.

Same same4

I often say that if I’m making a two-color quilt, I use 47 shades of each color. I guess that’s how I buy fabric, too. And mostly mediums, of course. Very short on the light end of the spectrum and not enough on the dark end, either.

Shall I use this as an excuse to buy more fabric or work harder on using up what I have? Remember what I showed you the other day, with all that fabric on my shelves?


My answer should be obvious, but can I really resist the new fabrics I see whenever I go into a quilt store?

I guess I’m just starting a collection for the next generation, ’cause I’m sure not going to be able to use all this up in my lifetime!!!

14 thoughts on “Same same same

  1. I need to organize also… Have fabrics from a different life time in the 80’s.
    I keep thinking I can just “paint, dye ” over them. It is good fabric..Not buying more, working through what I have, if it does not work it will go out!
    Charity Quilts are a good way to recycle, or maybe the little flowers will come back!


    1. I’m not holding my breath for the little flowers to come back…or the big flowers, either. It IS good fabric–just not for me anymore. I think I’ll feel better about myself if it’s recycled through charity quilts.


        1. I’ve done a tiny bit of that, too and I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing a lot more of it. I DO have too much!

          On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Quirks Ltd.


  2. How about donating some of your “medium” fabrics to a local thrift shop and then treating yourself to some new “lights” and “darks”? I’ve donated so many fabric/sewing/craft items to a shop that supports a wild animal sanctuary that they had to create a Craft Corner! I love to see it disappear from their shelves – I’ve made someone else happy and I’m happy – it’s win-win!


    1. I am trying to de-stash, but not much for local thrift shops in this area. My guild makes charity quilts and really doesn’t need the fabric so much as they need finished tops. I think much of it will be going that direction, especially some lovely “What was I thinking?” yardage! And I really need to get some more lights and darks–really, really, I do!


  3. I think you should use AND buy! Who is it that created that “scale” of color with numbers for each color? I know you know this intuitively but some of us have to “cheat”. The idea being to balance the colors; so yellow got the most points and therefor you just added bits of it and blue got the least so you could dump in mountains of it. I love your oranges and it seems like fish or cut bait-either go with a piece that shouts ORANGE or just add glorious bits of it throughout. With your hand it will all be fab!


    1. I think I’m going to end up shouting orange. That fashion voice that whispers that orange should be an accent holds me back, but this is quilting, not clothing and I need to just go for it! I think I have a new plan evolving for the orange circles and the other oranges are going to live in a quilt of their own.


  4. I can see a lovely quilt coming from the orange and the black/grey/tan collections combined. But, I think it would be important to make one or the other of the groupings the dominant color of the quilt. You don’t want a Halloween nightmare to evolve! Perhaps shading the oranges out into the pale yellows would round out a palette for this emerging idea. Then the black, used in small amounts could be the accent. The more fabrics in a quilt, the less important any one fabric has to be. Maybe your circular orange can become one of many…..rather than a highlight.

    I am so enjoying hearing and watching your process. Keep the posts coming, please! And good luck!


    1. All the different combos I played with were separate groups–never thougth to combine any of them. You are right–no Halloween nightmares wanted. I have a whole other collection for that!!! And you used that word “pale”—I am so woefully short of anything pale, that I think I might need to go shopping again!


  5. When we get the wake up call that we have a tendency to just keep repeating the same ideas over and over, it is time to stretch or horizons. This is something you can add to your classes.


    1. I keep trying to stretch my horizons but I feel that I’ve been going down the wrong road…or taking the scenic route. I’m ready to dig down a little deeper and think more about good design factors before I start cutting into fabric. What goes around, comes around and the graphic and geometric that first attacted me to quilting are calling to me again.


  6. Kathy, my stash looks the same. I’ve known for years that I buy similar and sometimes the same fabric, and no you can’t resist the new fabric.


    1. I really do need to de-stash, one way or another. Maybe it’s time to make lots of charity quilt tops, so I can enjoy getting that new and irresistible stuff!


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