Art Quilts · Beading · surface design

Palm Frond Finish

I have been trying very hard to get the palm frond piece finished. It has been sitting around, accusing me of neglect for far too long. I pushed through last week to get the beading done, except for a few close to the edge. The last day doing that was a very long day!

The border is added now, the backing is on, the quilting to hold the layers together is done. I added the binding this morning and finished adding those last few beads close to the edge. I think it’s done, done, done!!!

Palm fronds with border 1

Here’s one more detail shot and then I’m ready to move on!

Palm fronds detail2

It weighs a ton, by the way. I’d like to get it displayed at the gallery, I think. It’s the type of piece that will fit a certain style of decorating…maybe more appropriate to a place that actually HAS palm trees! No idea what I’d charge for it, right now, but it would be wonderful if someone fell in love with it and just had to have it! Yes, I’m a dreamer, but not a good marketer!

It’s moving on towards the end of the year and I’m trying to move on to more and more finishes. I have several things that just need a backing, or mounting on canvas or an edge finish, sleeve or labels. Getting those detail chores done and out of the way will make me feel like the new year is coming with a huge new attitude! Stay tuned for more finishes!

Linking this to Off the Wall Friday…check it out!

22 thoughts on “Palm Frond Finish

  1. Wow, finishing things BEFORE the New Year?!? And starting Fresh! I always finish every thing in January and Feb as part of a NEW YEAR resolution, works for me, I get lots done. But I really think your way has possibilities, I would really like to be able to jump into some new ideas, instead of slogging thru old stuff. Your work is amazing by the way 🙂


    1. It’s been easier to do since I don’t make as many Christmas presents as I used to! Rather than that panic Christmas mode, I can relax and finish up older projects. It’s been working well for a couple of years and I love having something new to start with the New Year. Thanks for the kind words.


  2. Great looking piece and the border really makes it. Too bad you can’t show it in Ann Arbor market; you would have a better chance at selling it.


    1. I’m going to find the right venue for it! I just need to actually DO what needs doing, not just think about it! And, I agree–the border is what pulls it all together. And THAT is why we have a stash!


  3. This is a very KOOL piece! The border pulls it together…I agree, showing it in a gallery would be appropriate…please, keep us posted as to what you do and when it sells!


    1. Thanks. I will probably try to take it in this week and see if there is any room for it! If it were to sell, probably the whole world would hear my shouts of joy!


    1. They are actually really cool shaped beads. I think they were intended for little girls to make jewelry, but I fell in love with them. Easier for me to sew on than button, I believe!


  4. Yep, it is done done done. Looks really good with the border. Hope you sell it, but the market for fiber art is just about non existent. It would take just the right customer at the right time.


    1. Right–I don’t really expect to be able to sell it. It’s my wishful thinking and since I don’t really try to market things, the chances are really bad! But, I make things ’cause I must…


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