Big Wool Adventure! · Fabric · Quilting

Wool Experiment

One more experiment to tell you about…my friend Kathy recently got a long arm machine and we did a little bartering. She quilted for me and I knitted for her…and we’re both happy! She is also a brave and adventurous quilter and was willing to try using felted wool for a quilt backing. It worked beautifully!

Wool backing

Since the wool is felted, the quilt can be washed just like any other. The quilting tension was easy to adjust and maintain, according to Kathy, and the whole thing is no heavier than any other quilt. She actually wants to do MORE quilts with wool…and I have lots of wool. There could be more bartering in the future!

Oh–the quilt top–you might want to see that, too! It’s from the UFO stack, several years old, using large floral prints. It might be going to a new home this weeks…just sayin’!

Flower quilt

This has been a great bargain for me and I’m so happy with the way it turned out. Look out, Kathy–I have a big stack of UFO’s and lots and lots of wool!

6 thoughts on “Wool Experiment

    1. I’m happy about that, too, because I have a lot more wool and a lot more quilt tops, waiting to be finished!

      On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Quirks Ltd. wrote:



  1. My friend used a wool batting in a quilt and had a disaster. It migrated through the top and backing and clogged her dryer vent. So, felted wool must be a better choice. You have been tagged, Kathie and need to post to the Around the World blog hop on Monday.


    1. What a disaster! I’ve not used wool batting, though I have one to play with. I’ve never heard of lots of migration with wool…only that it quilts beautifully and shows the stitches very well. The felted wool is wonderful!

      On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Quirks Ltd. wrote:



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