Art Quilts · Designing Quilts · Quilting · surface design

What I can’t show you…

I’ve been working on that challenge piece that our group is not showing until the final reveal in February. I’m ready for it to be done now! However, I haven’t done any work on it until the last few days, so of course it’s not finished!

This is the pile of stuff from which I’ve been working.

CS challenge3

I created the challenge, so it’s all my fault if things are hard to work with, or coordinate! The hardest thing for me is this black braid, but I have managed to work it in. Successfully is yet to be determined!

CS challenge 2

And here’s what the quilting looks like, so you can guess that the design is rather square-ish.

CS challenge 1

More work to be done. Still have ribbon yarn, embroidery floss and beads to add in. Yes, I created it and it is all my fault!