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Donation quilt

This is my second year of using one of my UFO’s as a donation quilt. We can’t technically call it a raffle because the set-up of our organization and the state raffle laws don’t quite mesh up. However, we have three quilts for which people can make a donation to our chosen charity and someone goes home with a quilt! Close enough!

Because these come from a group of quilt tops that I don’t have much of an emotional attachment to, I don’t have a problem letting a professional quilt them for me. Mine have been quilted by Threadbear Quilting, Kathy Koch, and she’s done a fantastic job–with an unbelievable price break because it’s for charity! (Like free!!!!) She really makes my life so much easier.

I do have to bind it, of course, and add a sleeve so we can display it. I always bind my quilts by machine and thought this would be a good time to remind you of how to do that, if you usually do it by hand. Not much different at all, really.

Start by attaching the binding to the back of the quilt, rather than the front.

Bind remind tute 1

Most often asked question–how do you do the corners? Same way you would if you were finishing by hand…

Sew up to 1/4″ from the corner. Fold binding up until a 45 degree angle is formed–the binding will be in line with the edge of the quilt.

Bind remind tute2

Then fold the binding down, still in line with the edge of the quilt, squared off at the top edge.

Bind remind tute3

Begin sewing 1/4″ down and 1/4″ in from the edges.

Bind remind tute4

When it’s time to turn that corner to the other side, I press the binding outward, then flip and fold on the other side.

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The binding practically folds itself, but it doesn’t hurt to help it along by pressing the first side, with that angle on the top left and the second side over this one.

Bind remind tute9

Topstitch all around, plain stitching or use a decorative stitch and you’re done in a very short time. I am not a perfectionist in this area and there are very detailed tutorials on the web if you are. This was only a basic, quick reminder of how to do it!

The finished quilt–

Bind remind tute10

I think it will do just fine in garnering donations! And if you are at the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild meeting on July 18, you can see it in person and be among the first to donate!