Big Wool Adventure! · Color · Dyeing Fabric · surface design

Wool-next step

I’ve been spending some spare time searching the internet for information on dyeing wool and got a chance today to try spot dyeing.

Using just a bit over a yard of fabric, I tried 3 colors. I only used 1/2 tsp. of dye powder to 1/2 cup water for each color.

Spot dye wool 1

Hints I picked up from various spots: pre-soak or wash the wool in Synthrapol or detergent…only put enough water in the pan to barely cover the wool–squish it down, too. Don’t heat the water or the pan until after your dye is added if you want any blending of the colors.

So, here’s what my dye pot looks like as I’m ready to turn on the heat. I “cooked” this batch for at least 25 minutes because I don’t really know yet what the optimum time will be.

Spot dye wool 2

After the initial cooking, I added a cup of vinegar for the mordant and cooked for about 20 minutes more.

I expected the color to be quite a bit lighter after the washing and drying, but this turned out very close to how it looked in the pan! Now THIS is the kind of fabric I love. Lots of color on each piece, not solid colors. I know I need both, but this is so much fun!

Spot dye wool 3

I think the next batch will be casserole dyeing…stay tuned!

I’ll be linking this to Off the Wall Friday, too.

26 thoughts on “Wool-next step

  1. Oh, I like your colors! I have never died wool. I do have to do some immersion dyeing. They are a great base for whole cloth work, which is what I usually do, painted whole cloths on hand dyed fabrics.


    1. This is my first time dyeing wool, too. While the process is a bit different, I’m hoping to get some good, deep color. I’m glad there are so many resources available on the web, though. That makes it easier!


  2. Just wanted to tell you that as soon as your water is clear, you’re done. It happens faster with certain colors, sometimes it takes as little as 5 minutes.


      1. I don’t use vinegar, I use citric acid (the stuff for canning fruit)–no smell! Once I sprinkle some in the wool and water, the take up of the dye is pretty much instant.


        1. I was too cheap to go out and buy anything and I had vinegar on hand. I actually don’t mind the smell, and use vinegar for a million things, but I will buy some of the citric acid on my next shopping trip. Nothing wrong with NOT smelling the vinegar!


    1. A friend of mine has been dyeing a lot of batting and it does look like wool. Not to be used in anything but art quilts, but beautiful. I really DO love dyeing, no matter what the material is!


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