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Progress is being made

Taught Rule Breaking Quilts at Friendship Knot Quilt Guild today and thought I’d show you pictures of pieces from starts to almost finishes! There are a couple that I just did not get photos of, but sometimes people pull the pieces off the design wall to actually get them assembled and then I miss the opportunity!

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As often as I have taught this, I am always amazed at how different each piece is. Totally unique in both construction and the artistic expressions of each student. I’m so grateful that I get to do this!

Tomorrow is Quick Start Quilting and Monday is Your Design Here. Two more days of fantastic fun for me…and work, work, work for these women! I do hope they are having fun, too!

8 thoughts on “Progress is being made

    1. This is aimed at those who have a hankering to try non-traditional work but aren’t quite sure where to start. I guide them through and some even get their piece totally assembled in one day, but all of them get things to the design wall stage. I love teaching this! I encourage you to get out the scraps and play!!!


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